Busy, Busy, Busy, Writing...!

Hi everyone. Just wanted to share some of what's going on and where I've been lately. We've played some nice private parties. Sometimes they are listed on the website, sometimes, at the client's request, we don't include them in the calendar (as has been the case lately). Also I've been spending some time writing new tunes, both music and lyrics. That's a funny process. It either gushes out all together and it all fits magically together, the perfect melody and lyrics. And then there are more often the times when the melody is the medody you want, but the lyrics just aren't coming...& you have to walk away from it for how ever long it takes...2 days? 2 weeks? 2 months? You just move on and start a new project, (it's hard because it feels like you're abandoning your creation!), but it will come when it's the right time! Sometimes a great lyric suddenly pops into your head and you put it to paper, and uh-oh, no music seems to fit it or do justice to it. So again, you try a few times but if you have to force it, that's the time to stop and leave it alone for a while. It will come. You may be in a class, or watching the stars one night, on driving in the car on the way to work... I find my creativity is at its top form when I'm taking a walk, or even during my morning shower!!! And when the lyrics and the music are "just right" you know it. Then you can't wait to hear the band embellish and add their touch to what you've written. So you have the "high" of the song you wrote and the added "high" of hearing it interpreted by your musicians. It doesn't get much better than that! (Except when we finally start to perform that song live, in public!) So that's what has been taking up a lot of my "free" time. I hope to put some new tunes on the next CD (not sure when that will be), but I look forward to it...and hope you do to! I hope this finds everyone well and happy as Fall comes to town! Enjoy all the music in your life...it's all around you. All you have to do is listen. Bobbe ;->)